Empowering Young Minds: ADHD Coaching for Kids in Grades 3-8

Helping Your Child Thrive in School and Beyond

Nurturing Success and Confidence in Children with ADHD

As a parent of a child with ADHD in grades 3-8, you may notice that they struggle with organization, focus, and emotion management. These challenges can affect their academic performance, social relationships, and self-esteem. At PauseAbilities Coaching, we provide compassionate and tailored coaching to help your child develop the skills they need to succeed in school and life.

Do these scenarios sound familiar?

What to Expect from Coaching

Our coaching sessions are designed to be engaging, fun, and tailored to your child’s unique needs and learning style. We’ll work together to identify your child’s strengths, set achievable goals, and develop practical strategies to help them overcome challenges. Your child will learn techniques for improving organization, focus, and emotional regulation, as well as tools for building self-confidence and advocating for their needs. We’ll also provide you with resources and support to help you create a positive and nurturing environment at home.

Anjali's Coaching Process

My coaching process is centered around empowering your child to reach their full potential. We’ll begin with an initial consultation to discuss your child’s challenges, strengths, and goals. From there, we’ll create a personalized coaching plan and meet regularly to track their progress, celebrate their successes, and make adjustments as needed. I believe in a collaborative approach that involves both the child and the parents, ensuring that everyone is working together towards a common goal. Take the first step in supporting your child’s journey to success by booking your appointment today!