Answers to Common Questions About Our ADHD Services

Frequently Asked Questions

At PauseAbilities Coaching, we understand that you may have questions about our services. Here, we provide detailed answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our ADHD coaching and support programs. If you need more information, feel free to contact us.

ADHD Coaching for Kids (Grades 3-8)

What is ADHD coaching for kids?
ADHD coaching for kids focuses on helping children develop executive function skills, manage ADHD symptoms, and improve academic and social performance.
How does coaching help children with ADHD?
Coaching provides personalized strategies to improve organization, time management, focus, and social skills, helping children succeed in school and life.
What can I expect during a coaching session?
Sessions are interactive and tailored to each child’s needs, including activities, discussions, and practical exercises to build essential skills.
How often are coaching sessions for kids?
Typically, sessions are held weekly, but the frequency can be adjusted based on the child’s needs and progress.
Can parents be involved in the coaching process?
Yes, parental involvement is encouraged, and regular updates and strategies are provided to help parents support their child’s progress.

Adult ADHD & Executive Function Coaching

What is Adult ADHD coaching?
Adult ADHD coaching helps individuals manage ADHD symptoms, improve executive function skills, and enhance productivity in personal and professional life.
How does coaching differ from therapy?
Coaching focuses on practical strategies and goal-setting to manage ADHD, while therapy often addresses emotional and psychological aspects.
What can I expect during a coaching session?
Sessions are personalized and may include techniques for time management, organization, goal-setting, and stress management.
How long does it take to see results from coaching?
Many adults see improvements within a few weeks, but the duration varies based on individual goals and commitment.
Is coaching done in person or online?
We offer both in-person and online coaching sessions to accommodate different needs and preferences.

High School & College ADHD Coaching

What is high school and college ADHD coaching?
This coaching helps students develop skills to succeed academically and personally, focusing on time management, organization, and study habits.
How can coaching help with academic performance?
Coaching provides strategies to improve focus, complete assignments, prepare for exams, and manage school-related stress.
What is included in a typical coaching session?
Sessions are customized and may include exercises for planning, goal-setting, study techniques, and stress management.
How often should students attend coaching sessions?
Weekly sessions are common, but frequency can be adjusted based on the student’s needs and academic schedule.
Can coaching help with college applications and transitions?
Yes, coaching can assist with the college application process and help students transition to college life successfully.

Women’s ADHD Support Group

What is the Women’s ADHD Support Group?
It is a supportive community for women with ADHD to share experiences, gain insights, and develop strategies for managing ADHD.
How often does the support group meet?
The group meets regularly, typically on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, depending on participants’ schedules.
What happens during a support group meeting?
Meetings include discussions, activities, and expert guidance on managing ADHD, building confidence, and improving daily life.
Is the support group confidential?
Yes, all group discussions are confidential, creating a safe and supportive environment for all participants.
Can new members join at any time?
Yes, new members are welcome to join at any time, and we encourage ongoing participation for continuous support.

ADHD Workshops and Events

What are ADHD workshops and events?
These are interactive sessions led by experts to provide practical strategies, skills, and support for managing ADHD.
Who can attend these workshops and events?
Workshops and events are open to individuals with ADHD, their families, and anyone interested in learning more about ADHD management.
What topics are covered in the workshops?
Topics include executive function skills, time management, organization, stress management, and more.
How often are workshops and events held?
We offer workshops and events regularly throughout the year. Check our schedule for upcoming sessions.
Is there a fee to attend workshops and events?
Fees vary depending on the workshop or event. Some may be free, while others have a registration fee to cover materials and resources.
For more detailed information or additional questions, please contact PauseAbilities Coaching. We’re here to help you navigate and manage ADHD effectively.